Tagged “boythisishard” Shitty First Drafts Just in time for NaNoWriMo but already under contract! 2022-10-11 Things I've Come to Value Items I come back to, and why. 2022-04-09 Arguing with Strawman Considered Harmful I win every argument I have with other people, and I bet you do too. 2022-03-08 The Chain Good news for team Brian around 2035! 2022-03-03 Walls and Within Them A small shrine to Megan's caring and skill. 2021-12-28 Pay for Experts A small but weighty example. 2021-11-15 Four The greatest honor and challenge of my life will be helping these kids grow up. 2021-08-16 Boy, This Is Hard I didn't see where it started but I saw where it ended. 2021-06-23