The greatest honor and challenge of my life will be helping these kids grow up.
We told the whole family at once about Megan expecting. We won't soon forget how some have reacted... but I want to capture how each of you responded then and since:
- Us: "Ben, we are going to have a baby. You'll have a baby brother or sister."
- Ben (2.5): "Me baby!" He might be in denial.
- Jack (5) (in Megan's words) "claimed the baby as his own" and immediately started creating plans to have the baby sleep in his room. He won't mind the crib and crying.
- Max (9) gave Megan the most genuine hug I've ever seen. Ever. Like, hesitation then lightning fast wrap-around arms.
Since, all of you have maintained interest in baby and support for your mother, who is debilitatingly sick still even at almost the second trimester. Max is cooking and watching Ben a lot. Jack seems to think the baby will be here next week. He named Addy's girl Leopardinator so what could go wrong?
We have a pool for boy or girl. We will find out soon, having elected for additional bloodwork sure to Megan's geriatric state at 34... 😆 Team girl is in the lead... Stay tuned! 2/22/22 is the current due date.
And yes, I told Megan that these events could complicate "Boy, This is Hard." That's okay with me.